
Pest Control


What do you need to know about cockroaches

A cockroach has a flattened, oval body and long antennae (about the length of their body). It has six legs covered with spines. The typical cockroach is about the size of a thumbnail. Many adult cockroaches have fully developed wings, but only few fly. They are more active at night, and remain hidden during the day.  

Common Cockroach Varieties

German Cockroach: The German cockroach is the most common cockroach species found worldwide. These cockroaches are recognized by their light brown to tan coloring with two dark, almost parallel stripes, located on their backs.

American Cockroach: The largest invasive cockroach that you will encounter. These range from roughly one to two inches in size. They have a reddish brown body, with yellowish figure 8 on their head. 

Brown-banded Cockroach: One of the smallest of the invasive cockroaches, the adult brown-banded cockroach may reach roughly half an inch in length. You'll notice tan bands on the back and wings of the cockroach.

Oriental Cockroach: A large species of cockroach--adults are about one inch long. They have a dark brown to black body, and travel in sewers and water lines. 

Are Cockroaches Dangerous?

Cockroaches are dangerous, though not in the sense that they will bite or attack. Rather, it's the diseases they carry with them and the damage they can cause to a property that is most threatening. Cockroaches carry with them diseases which cause diarrhea and food poisoning, which makes them especially threatening in kitchens and restaurants. They also secrete substances which leave stains and cause unpleasant odors.

How do I get rid of cockroaches?

Cockroaches can be difficult to get rid of, especially given their ability to reproduce quickly, and lay 16-50 eggs with each gestation. In Sacramento, you will see an increase of cockroaches coming from the sewers as it heats up. Protect your home to prevent them from finding a nesting spot.

The best defense is prevention:

  • Watch for cockroaches and their eggs in moving boxes
  • Examine bags, boxes, and luggage before bringing them into the home 
  • Remove any unnecessary clutter - especially papers and cardboard
  • Caulk and seal cracks and crevices 
  • Seal spaces around pluming and electrical entry points in walls
  • Don't leave pet food out (this also attracts rats)
  • Repair leaky faucets and pipes quickly - they love moisture